In the current digital era, video marketing has taken the lead in advertising, and you will soon participate in it.

Writing a video brief is the first stage in the process that will help developers produce a dynamic, engaging product that will exceed expectations.

A well-written brief can help you avoid unnecessary time, expense, and hassle while also clearly communicating your needs to designers.

Keep it short

It is not necessary to write a novel to be thorough with the requirements and expectations of the video. Remember to keep your proposal succinct and to the point. A list of primary concepts or a brief paragraph for each essential component will do just fine.

Supply the background information

The ideal end result can only be produced by developers who are familiar with your brand or company. A link to your website, pertinent background data, your brand’s message, and significant statistics must all be included. What does your business do, for instance? Are you a new or established company? Concentrate on crucial components and significant turning points in the history of your firm.

Make sure to state your “must-have” elements

A few bullet points will cover this. Decide who your target audience is, whether it be present or potential clients, shareholders, or staff, and state the point you are attempting to make. Avoid including too many concepts in a single video. The outcome frequently has a negative impact and perplexes viewers.

What kind of style are you looking for?

To help videographers understand what tone to utilise when creating your video, provide examples of other videos. What characterises your brand? Do you want your film to reflect the present brand’s aesthetic, or would you prefer to attempt something different? How would you like it to be told? Developers might also make suggestions for aesthetics that would work best for your brand and goal.

Draw up a list of expectations

Make a list of the specifics your final product should have and what constitutes success in your eyes. What are the video’s objectives? Make your desires known to the developers by communicating with them. Let them know if this is your first time making a video so they may offer advice on the process.

Set a budget

Know how much money you have to spend. The production team will be truthful about what they can accomplish on a tight budget.

Set a deadline

Set precise completion dates to guarantee the video will be completed on time. Inform the developers if you have a deadline for when you need it to air.

If you would like to know more about video production or would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.

We develop and implement big ideas


We have over 30 years of design experience and were early adopters of the web, so we know how to grab the attention of the viewer - whatever the target audience.

Strategic Marketing

At Williams&Crosby we believe that marketing is about delivering a sustainable competitive advantage for our clients.

Exhibitions & Events

If you are looking for an exhibition stand that will give you stand out and attract more we can provide a solution to meet your budget.


Creativity and solution creation should never be about making pretty marks, it’s about the intelligence behind the marks. This is what distinguishes good from outstanding.